
In today’s society, when the words manga or anime are heard, many immediately associate them with a lifestyle of geeks that is a social norm. However, these mediums of mass communication were not always so shunned. The origins and history of manga and anime date far before the concept of what a “nerd” or “geek” actually is. Manga and anime hold historical significance in Japan and continue to play an important role today in educating and entertaining all around the world. This can be shown through the early development of the caricature style and the popularization in media and propaganda. In recent history, the growth of manga has become one of the largest sectors of publication in Japan (Ito, 2005). It can also be utilized as not only largely enjoyed forms of entertainment but as mediums to convey educational material regarding Japanese history and folklore. In order to do so, we must change the narrative and culture surrounding anime and manga to become more accepting and recognize where it all began.